warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in /web/htdocs/cara.uai.it/home/includes/common.inc(1767) : eval()'d code on line 77.
warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /web/htdocs/cara.uai.it/home/includes/common.inc(1767) : eval()'d code on line 79.
We have hardly worked, and are still working, on building the NEW Af[rho] measures's Database. A new Winafrho software version will be soon available with included a function to upload automatically afrho datas to the database on the fly. As well as updating Winafrho, we are going to adapt the website procedures to match the new database format.
Select the comet's name for the datas you are searching for.
Found 253375 measures on comets in Afrho's database
Click the button Download measures, will create a CSV file ready to be downloaded
Optional parameters Actually From date shows the oldest date retrieved from the Database and To date shows today date. Date is in the format : Year-Month-Day.
From date: To date:
Notice: If NO optional parameters are setted, the query will retrieve ALL datas for the selected comet.
A release of the CARA database is on line containing comet's data. The numbers of measures and comet are upgraded continuosly due the CARA's users contributions.