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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
DownloadsMANUALE WINAFRHO - ITALIANO milani05 years 12 weeks ago
StoryA small amplitude ouburst on comet 64P/Swift-Gehrels milani05 years 29 weeks ago
StoryComets 46P/Wirtanen and 64P/Swift-Gehrels update milani05 years 29 weeks ago
StoryComets 21P/Giacobini-Zinner and 46P/Wirtanen milani05 years 30 weeks ago
ImageC/2016 R2 PanSTARRS adrianov06 years 25 weeks ago
Pageprova lista admin06 years 43 weeks ago
PageQuery the Afrho DataBase admin06 years 44 weeks ago
StorySoftware and Database upgrade in progress admin06 years 44 weeks ago
PageDatabase general information admin06 years 44 weeks ago
StoryWhat is happening to C/2017 O1 (ASASSN)? milani06 years 45 weeks ago
StoryUpdated the reference page admin06 years 45 weeks ago
PageReferences admin06 years 45 weeks ago
StoryCARA Project's and UAI Comet Section annual meeting admin06 years 46 weeks ago
Imageimage comet C/2013 UQ4 astrobry06 years 46 weeks ago
Story67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko - Preliminary report milani08 years 29 weeks ago
StoryAfrho Database admin09 years 33 weeks ago
StoryWinafrho 1.9 released admin010 years 16 weeks ago
DownloadsMCM (Median Coma Model) admin010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsTycho Reference Star Catalogue admin010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsRM (Radial Model) admin010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsAperture photometry of cometary comae using CCD cameras admin010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsDetermining of reference star for Winafro admin010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsComet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) OBSERVING CAMPAIGN admin010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsReference Stars fot C/2001 Q4 CCD photometry extracted from HIPPARCUS catalog admin010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsUsing Wafrho1.exe Af[rho] measurament tool admin010 years 17 weeks ago


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