Comets 46P/Wirtanen and 64P/Swift-Gehrels update

In this period comets 46P/Wirtanen and 64P/Swift-Gehrels are among the more interresting objects. The enclosed plots have been updated by Erik Bryssinck and show the behavior of the two comets reporting the Af[rho] quantity vs. days from perihelion.

The observers that are contributing to the observing campaigns are listed below in alphabetical order.  The data for 46P have been normalised for a zero phase angle while for 64P have been used the observed values.

Comet 46P: Erik Bryssinck - team E.Bryssinck & F.-J. Hambsch  - Daniele Carosati - Mauro Facchini - Mario Feraco - François Kugel - Rolando Ligustri - Giannantonio Milani  - Joel Nicolas - Jean-François Soulier  - Diego Tirelli – Roberto Trabatti

Comet 64P are alphabetical order): Erik Bryssinck - Daniele Carosati - Mauro Facchini - François Kugel - Giannantonio Milani  - Joel Nicolas - Jean-François Soulier  - Diego Tirelli - Roberto Trabatti






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