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DownloadsMetodo per estrapolare magnitudini R ed I da stelle note admin010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsPolimoni per le magnitudini R ed I admin010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsDetermining reference stars by Erik Bryssink - Version 2 milani010 years 17 weeks ago
DownloadsHow to send file directly to Cara project admin010 years 17 weeks ago
PageMeasuring comets with the Afrho quantity admin010 years 27 weeks ago
PageStaff admin010 years 27 weeks ago
StoryAfrho measures DB admin010 years 42 weeks ago
StoryGiovanni Sostero admin010 years 42 weeks ago
StoryNew CARA Project logo admin010 years 42 weeks ago
PageWelcome to CARA Project website admin010 years 42 weeks ago
StoryComet 168P/Hergenrother outburst milani011 years 38 weeks ago
StoryReport of the annual meeting of UAI research sections on meteorites, asteroids and comets. admin012 years 6 weeks ago
User profileUser profile 3701 milani012 years 29 weeks ago
StoryDatabase is online ! admin012 years 41 weeks ago
Mass Contact Message[authenticated user] Afrho Database online admin012 years 42 weeks ago
Newsletter issueAfrho Databased available admin012 years 42 weeks ago
StoryC/2009 P1 milani012 years 46 weeks ago
ObserverNIC01 milani013 years 2 weeks ago
Newsletter issueAfrho Database under fixing ... coming back soon admin013 years 2 weeks ago
ObserverMON01 milani013 years 5 weeks ago
ObserverPER01 milani013 years 5 weeks ago
ObserverPRO01 milani013 years 5 weeks ago
ObserverTIR01 milani013 years 5 weeks ago
ObserverTRA01 milani013 years 5 weeks ago
ObserverSOS01 milani013 years 5 weeks ago


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