Comet 168P/Hergenrother outburst

Here you can find a preliminary Af[rho] plot of 168P/Hergenrother, referring to its recent outburst:

103P/Hergenrother outburst

In order to draw a first graph showing the comet's behaviour a fixed window aperture having a radius of 10.000 Km at the comet was used.

The resulting lightcurve seems to be rather complex, with (possibly) three separate rises of the Af[rho] parameter in the matter of a couple of weeks: the main one, peaking around on 2012, Sept. 28, then probably another two, smaller, events, peaking on Oct. 9 and 14. Afterwards the comet seems to be entered in a more quiet state (however we are still missing some data points, from Oct. 13 to Oct. 18).  We were lucky enough to retrieve a filtered pre-outburst data point, dating back to 2012, Sept.12, when the comet showed a "quiet" state  value of about 50-cm. The latest, post-outburst, Af[rho] values we have dates back to a few days ago, and show the comet at about 150-cm.

It's still unclear to which of the activity peaks in the afrho lightcurve might be (possibly) related the ejection of the fragment reported by the Faulkes team on Oct. 26.

We are grateful to the observers that kindly provided their data (Erik Bryssinck, Andre Debackere, Ernesto Guido, Nick Howes, Rolando Ligustri, Giannantonio Milani and Giovanni Sostero) and to the Faulkes Foundation for the telescope time their granted us.

Giovanni Sostero and Giannantonio Milani, on behalf of the CARA collaboration. 








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