CARA: Cometary ARchive for Afrho


News of different types

Published the latest revision of Winafrho manual

The latest Winafrho User Manual has been published
By Cavezzo Observatory

A small amplitude ouburst on comet 64P/Swift-Gehrels

On January 2 and 3 a small outburst was observed By Erik Bryssinck on comet 64P/Swift-Gehrels.  Despite the small amplitude  of the event it's trace is evident in the changing of the coma morphology. The Af[rho] quantity increased from about 160 cm to 290 cm in R band for measuring windows between 5,000 and 10,000 km. Below the images and plots made by Erik Bryssinck.

  64P Jan 2, 2019

Comets 46P/Wirtanen and 64P/Swift-Gehrels update

In this period comets 46P/Wirtanen and 64P/Swift-Gehrels are among the more interresting objects. The enclosed plots have been updated by Erik Bryssinck and show the behavior of the two comets reporting the Af[rho] quantity vs. days from perihelion.

The observers that are contributing to the observing campaigns are listed below in alphabetical order.  The data for 46P have been normalised for a zero phase angle while for 64P have been used the observed values.

Comets 21P/Giacobini-Zinner and 46P/Wirtanen

The recent apparitions of periodic comets 21P/Giacobini-Zinner and 46P/Wirtanen have been intensively monitored.  The analysis and the enclosed plots made by Erik Bryssinck well show the preliminary results on the two objects. Comet 21P displayed a regular curve peaking about 18 days before perihelion in agreement with the 1998 apparition (Lara et al, A&A 399- 2003).



Software and Database upgrade in progress

Good news is going to come.

We have hardly worked, and are still working, on building the NEW Af[rho] measures's Database.
A new Winafrho software version will be soon available with included a function to upload automatically afrho datas to the database on the fly.
As well as updating Winafrho, we are going to adapt the website procedures to match the new database format.

Stay tuned for big news !!!

What is happening to C/2017 O1 (ASASSN)?


 C/2017 O1 - Rolando Ligustri

Comet C/2017 O1 (ASASSN) was discovered on July 19 displaying already a large diffuse gas coma in the following days.  This color image was taken by Rolando Ligustri on July 27, the green color of the coma is due to the presence of strong C2 emission bands in the spectrum.


Updated the reference page

The page Reference has been updated with two published new articles.

CARA Project's and UAI Comet Section annual meeting

On September 9th and 10th the annual meeting of Project CARA and Comet Section of Italian Amateur Union will be held at Sala Civica "Pegoraro Fortunato" located in Due Carrare (PD) Italy, via Galileo Galilei, 1 - Mezzavia.

The meeting is an important event among comet's researcher, amateur astronomers as well as astronomers and professionals
This year a special guest will be present: Erik Bryssinck, from Belgium., a good friend and collegue of the CARA Project since the beginning.

Here is the programme:

Saturday september 9th

67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko - Preliminary report

The CARA data recorded on 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko are summarized in the enclosed preliminary report in pdf format. 

The observations concern both the current apparition and all the recorded data by the CARA consortium in the three last apparitions of this comet. An average plot corrected for the solar phase angle is shown.


The observers that contributed with their observations are:


Winafrho 1.9 released

he release 1.9 of Winafro has been released.
Go to the "Software downloads" section after logged in.

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