CARA: Cometary ARchive for Afrho


News of different types

Afrho measures DB

We putted the Afrho measures DataBase off-line for maintenance reasons.
It will be on line as soon as possible.
We apologize for he inconvenience.

New CARA Project logo

As probably already noticed we have modified our logo to be "coherent" with the new designations ot the acronym CARA.
Thanks to Mauro Facchini, from Osservatorio Astronomico "G.Montanari" for design the new logo.


A release of the CARA database is on line containing comet's data.
The numbers of measures and comet are upgraded continuosly due the CARA's users contributions.

Browse the comet list/database

Some summary chart


Giovanni Sostero

It is with much sadness that I share with you the loss of our friend Giovanni Sostero.

Comet 168P/Hergenrother outburst

Here you can find a preliminary Af[rho] plot of 168P/Hergenrother, referring to its recent outburst:

103P/Hergenrother outburst

Report of the annual meeting of UAI research sections on meteorites, asteroids and comets.

Hereafter a brief report of the annual meeting.

(clic picture to enalarge)

foto di gruppo

Database is online !

The Afrho Database is now online.
It is browsable by authenticated users only, using the menù tab "Afrho measures".

Afrho Databased available

The Afrho Database is now online.
It is browsable by authenticated users only.

We are going to implements the export filters; at the moment we can export as CSV file the data displayed by the query.
Feel free to contact me to notice me errors and/or implementation as well as help requests (just use the contact module and write to webmaster).

the admin

C/2009 P1

Comet C/2009 P1 is displaying a nearly constant Afrho quantity behaviour with a value close to 6500 - 7000 cm in R band for a 20000 km radius window.

Observations are due to Erik Bryssink (Brixiis Observatory- Belgium), Rolando Ligustri (Talmassons Observatory - Italy), Giannantonio Milani (Padova - Italy), Giovanni Sostero, Ernesto Guido and Nick Howes (Remanzacco Observatory and Faulkes Telescope North).

C2009/P1- Afrho plot

Afrho Database under fixing ... coming back soon

Hello everybody

we apologize for the missing of Afrho data.
Basically we are going fo tix some errors present into the database, on both data and code.

The Afrho data will be available as soon as possible; in the meanwhile, please, use our contact form to request Afrho data as needed.

Thanks for the patience.

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