CARA Project newsletter

Afrho Databased available

The Afrho Database is now online.
It is browsable by authenticated users only.

We are going to implements the export filters; at the moment we can export as CSV file the data displayed by the query.
Feel free to contact me to notice me errors and/or implementation as well as help requests (just use the contact module and write to webmaster).

the admin

Afrho Database under fixing ... coming back soon

Hello everybody

we apologize for the missing of Afrho data.
Basically we are going fo tix some errors present into the database, on both data and code.

The Afrho data will be available as soon as possible; in the meanwhile, please, use our contact form to request Afrho data as needed.

Thanks for the patience.

UAI Comet Section and CARA Project Meeting

On May 7th and 8th the UAI (Unione Astrofili Italiani, formerly the Italian Amateour Astronomer Union) and the AAE (Associazione Astronomica Euganea) will host a two days meeting in Padova.

The meeting will cover on may 7th a summary of the annual activity of all the Research Sections within the UAI, included the Comet Section.

On May 8th the day will be dedicated to report the annual activity of the CARA Project as well as announcement of news within the project's organizations.

The first CARA Project Newsletter

Hello everybody
welcome in the new CARA Project's Newsletter service ...

This is just a first shot ;-)

The webmaster

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